Hridhayam Social Welfare Society (HSWS) is A Public Society registered under Societies Registration Act 1860. Registration No: MAH/1262/2022/Pune 411006 Darpan Registration No: MH/2022/0328919
HSWS formed by the people from various fields like Medicine, Education, Business, Social Services and Corporate to serve the weaker section of the society. The tagline of this society is आत्मवतसर्वभूतेषु means seeing self in everyone and treating all living beings the way we want to be. Our motto is | बद्धो वयं सर्वदा प्राणिहिताय। means we are always abiding to work in the benefit of all living beings and ensure a better life for all.

To provide skill-based, value-based and employment based education to the traditional college students for their holistic development and make them responsible and financial independent citizen

Empower socially, economically deprived women by providing them shelter and employment.
To motivate and reward working professional women.
To provide health and hygiene related education to girl students and make them confident by giving self defense training

To provide assistive technology and artificial limbs to physically challenged people.
To support visually impaired students by providing access to all in one PC and angle players

In India heart attacks are increasing in youngsters. Heart failure is major concern because these patients need care and support. These patients can be treated with different medical strategies. Therefore HSWS would like to set up a Rehabilitation center for heart patients where dedicated staff will take care of these patients with therapy

To set up a Old Age home for the senior citizens who do no have any relatives to take care of and who are financially, physically and emotionally dependent
Help Parents of NRI who are living alone in India and need assistance and counselling