Activities Undertaken
World Heart Day
29th September 2022
Har Ghar Healthy Heart Campaign
Dr. GVP Rao, Sr. Consultant Cardiologist of Hridhayam Heart Clinic, Nashik Conducted a free Cardiac Camp in Collaboration with Hridhayam Social Welfare Society on the occasion of World Heart Day under Hridhayam Social Welfare Foundation on 29th September 2022 between 10.00am to 2.30pm
Outcome of the Activity : Har Ghar Healthy Heart
In this camp Free Cardiac Consultation and free tests of ECG, Blood Sugar, Thyroid Profile and Lipid Profile provided. Total 43 patients availed this facility.
A Workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights"
10th November 2022
At Rayat Education Society's Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh, Pune
Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has conducted one day Workshop on " Intellectual Property Rights" at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh, Pune. The resource person was Dr. T Pavan Kumar, Senior Scientist-Chemistry & IPR, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Material Technology (IMMT), Bhubaneshwar, India. The program was Compared by Prof. Asawari Shewale and Guest introduction was given by Dr. Kalhapur. Before the session of Dr. T. Pavan Kumar, Dr. Sangeeta Dhamdhere briefed about the Hridhayam Social Welfare Society and their work to the audience. Dr. T. Pavan Kumar in his own presentation style and with day to day examples interacted with the students on IPR, Innovation and applications. At that time Principal of that college Dr. Arun Andhale, Dr. Savita Patil, IQAC Coordinator, Prof. Asawari Shewale, Dr. Balasaheb Kalhapure and Head of the Commerce Department were present. Dr. Savita Patil gave vote of thanks at the end of this workshop. On behald of Hridhayam Social Welfare Society Dr. Sangeeta Dhamdhere, President and Dr. Rukmini Dhamdhere, Member have coordinated this event.
Tree plantation drive
Sunday 13th November 2022
At Pitakeshwar, Indapur
Tree Plantation drive 🌱🌳🌱🌴🌴🌴🌳🌴🌱🌴🌳🌴🌳🌴🌱 On 13th November 2022, Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has planted 120 useful plants of various types like Bombax, Almond, Sacred fig, Kordia cherry, Nettlepurges, Tamarind etc at Pitakeshwar which is a historical place in Indapur village in collaboration with Rotract Club of Indreshwar. 🌱🌳🌱🌴🌴🌴🌳🌴🌱🌴🌳🌴🌳🌴🌱
Google meeting was conducted on 19th November 2022 at 11.30 am with the Staff of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh, Pune for proposing one collaborative course and its syllabus framing and sending for approval to Savitribai Phule Pune University. For this meeting on behalf of HSWS President Dr. Sangeeta Dhamdhere, Member Ms. Shivani Tikher, Dr. Neelam Patil, Coordinator, Women Empowerment activities and Course, on behalf of college, Dr. Arun Andhale, Principal, Dr. Swati Patil, IQAC Coordinator was present.

Google Meet
one day workshop for girls on self defence
22nd November 2022
At Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh, Pune
Self defence workshop for girls Under our Women Empowerment Drive, on 22nd November 2022, Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has conducted one day workshop for girls on "SELF DEFENCE" at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh. More than 114 girls were present along with their teaching staff members. Prof Shailaja Sangle, Dr. Sangeeta Dhamdhere conducted this workshop. In this workshop girls were guided on how they can protect themselves in adverse situation with their handy resources and some quick tips along with how they should lead their life very confidently with some self disciplinary actions. At that time Mrs. Manisha Tikhe (Secretary, Hridhayam Social Welfare Society), Prof. Asawari Shewale (Women Development Cell Coordinator), Dr. Savita Patil (IQAC Coordinator), Dr. Randive (Vice Principal), Dr. Reshma Divekar and Prof. Sayali Gosavi were present. This workshop was jointly organized with Lions District Youth Outreach Committee)
organized Placement drive
26th November 2022
At Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh, Pune
Placement Drive was conducted for Graduate and Diploma students. Walk in Interviews were arranged. At the time of Inaugural function of this placement drive activity Dr. Arun Andhale, Principal, Dr. Kushal, Placement Officer and Company representatives were present. Secretary Mrs. Manisha Tikhe was present on behalf of Hridhyam Social Welfare Society.
MOU signed between Hridhyam Social Welfare Society and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Aundh
26th November 2022
one day workshop on positive and right thinking
28th November 2022
The workshop on Positive Thinking and Right Thinking conducted at Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts and Commerce, Yerwada, Pune for their students. Resource person for this workshop was Prof. Shailaja Sangle, President, District Lion Youth Outreach Committee and Dr. Sangeeta Dhamdhere, President, Hridhayam Social Welfare Society, Pune. The Coordinator, Dr. Manjusha Khopade, Teachers of that college were present for the same workshop.
Successfully conducted a free Breast Cancer Screening Camp for women at Nikhil Polyclinic, Nagpur Chawl, Yerwada, Pune. Chief guest for the camp was Deputy Mayor of Pune Dr. Siddharth Dhende who is also mentor of Hridhayam Ngo Pune. The program was coordinated by Mrs. Manisha Tikhe, Secretary and Mr. Dyaneshwar Kamble, Member of Hridhayam Social Welfare Society, Pune. Special thanks to Mr. Prashant Dindorkar for his presence. Dr. GVP Rao, Sr. Consultant Cardiologist felicitated the doctors who have done the screening. Total 95 ladies benefited with this camp.
How to Raise Funds for Startups
5th December 2022
Hon Advisor World Trade Centre Mr. Jayesh Khade and Dr Sangeeta Dhamdhere, President Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has guided students of AISSM Institute of Information Technology, Pune on Funding Opportunities for Start ups. At that time well known Motivational Speaker and Management Guru Prof. Namdevrao Jadhav was present.
24th December 2022
Dr. Neelam Patil, Coordinator of Women Empowerment Cell of Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has conducted a mind blowing session today on Menstrual Hygiene Management, Role of Balanced Diet, Self-Defence and Good Touch-Bad Touch. female concerns related to their reproductive parts, sanitation practices while using common restroom and many more on same lines. This lecture was given to young adolescent girls of 8 th and 9 th standard in a Marathi Medium School. The girls were very keen and enthusiastic and wholeheartedly participated in the discussion.
The girl students were shown educational videos and survey forms will be circulated to gauge their feedback and assess their understanding on what was taught. The session was conducted in the presence of their female teachers for better reach on the topics. Both the teachers and students really liked the session and are looking forward for many such sessions on a regular basis. Thanks to the Principal of that school, Teacher Mrs. Borute and other teachers who were present. Mrs. Manisha Tikhe, Secretary of Hridhayam Social Welfare Society were present for this event.
12th January 2023
Celebrated Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanand and Rajamata Jijau at PES Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce. Dr Sanjay Kharat guided students and students who participated in Youth Leadership Camp at Kanyakumari shared their experience. Dr Sangeeta Dhamdhere Librarian and President of HSWS coordinated this event
23rd January 2023
Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has celebrated birth anniversary of Freedom Fighter and Azad Hind Sena Leader Netaji Subhashchandra Bos and Founder of Shivsena Balasaheb Thakare on 23rd January 2023
26th January 2023
23rd January 2023
Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has organised a session of Dr Subhash Bagade, Senior Gynecologist, Pune on Menstrual hygiene and vaccinations for women at PES B. Ed. College, Shivajinagar, Pune -05. About 100 students and staff attended this wonderful informative and interactive session. Thanks to Dr. Seema Damale and Dr Subhash Bagade for their valuable time for this awareness program
13th March 2023
Hridhayam Social Welfare Society has conducted an Interactive session on CHATGPT of Mr. Deepak Mane, Senior Data Scientist, Tata Consultancy Services, Australia in association with Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ganeshkhind and Jayakar Knowledge Resource Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
HSWS President Prof. Dr. Sangeeta Dhamdhere-Rao was invited at Saraswati Mandir Night College for their State level Poem workshop in collaboration with Student Development Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University to announce publication of selected poems in the collection of poems HSWS is publishing and about signing a MOU.
President was felicitated and awarded at Dyansagar Institute of Management and Research, Balewadi, Pune for her social work on the occasion of an International Women's Day.
Conducted Softskill workshop at PES Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ganeshkhind, Pune from 10th April to 28th April 2023
Conducted one day workshop on career guidance for 12th pass students and their parents in COLLABORATION with Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s dr. Babasaheb ambedkar college, aundh, Pune on 13th june 2023
Conducted an online training programme on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for academics and research
Day and Date: Tuesday, july 11, 2023, time: 2:00 pm to 5.00 PM
An online
training Programme on ‘Intellectual Property Rights for Academics and
Research’ was organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of
Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Arts Science and Commerce, Ganeshkhind,
Pune and Hridayam Social Welfare Society, Pune, in association with Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - Institute of Minerals
and Materials Technology (IMMT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha on Tuesday, July 11,
2023 from 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm on Microsoft Teams platform.
As part of Azadi ka Amritmahotsav, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade under the aegis of the Government of India took the initiative to organize National Intellectual Property Festival, a month-long nationwide celebration and campaign for Intellectual Property aligned with the objective of Atmanirbharta or self-sufficiency. In order to do that, the initiatives taken under this festival focused on Patent filing, GI trademarks, Copyright registrations along with central emphasis on the legal ownership of ideas and inventions to create an ideal society. More that 1012 participants have registered for this program from all over India and more than 670 participant attended this program.